Nia Pushkarova


Nia Pushkarova graduated Fine Art from Reading University, UK 1995, won a Kodak award upon her graduation. She has been the founder and Director of NGO IME since 2004, responsible for organizing Water tower art fest, also she is part of Artist Initiative Network since 2014; and a cofounder and  member of Bulgarian Festival Association. She had numerous of participations both as an artist and organizer across the world, most recent are: A juror of 21st International show at “Woman made gallery”, Chicago, 2018 ; Nakanojo Biennale, Japan 2017; Participation at EFFE Festival academy, Atelier for young festival managers, Chiang Mai 2016; Participation at PARABIOSIS 3,”Communication and co-existence”, Chongqing, China, 2016 ; Participation at Mexico, Coahuila “RAYA EN EL AGUA”.

Chairwoman of NGO-IME since 2004
Curator and organizer of Water tower art fest
Member of the Board of Directors of Bulgarian Festival Association
EFFE award of European Festival Label year 2015-16


“Nia Pushkarova is a multimedia artist, curator and founder of Water tower art fest. In her work, she deals with issues connected to feminism, localism, geopolitics, while she connects conceptual and political oriented practice with moments of autobiographical and poetic.
Moreover, no matter if she creates personal artwork or organizes big scale events, interconnected with contemporary art like festivals and residencies, she is consistent in her strivings for experimenting trough different mediums, images and issues, which lead to extremely personal revelations.”
- Nadejda Djakova – Curator and Director of SAMCA – Sofia Arsenal Museum of Contemporary arts


Niya Pushkarova

Art with working hours, 2018.



  • Material: hair extension, book, carpet

  • Property of: Nia Pushkarova
  • Description: Art with working hours” is a statement from the artist Nia Pushkarova, done under private research with sharing memories in text and its visualization. The format is like an open studio work with interaction with public at Gallery Geshov, Sofia from 12th of November 2018 until end of month with opening on 16th of November, with results and visualizations over a text concerning women in Bulgaria.
  • References: